Cold Shoulder

Along with the rest of the world, I too have become obsessed with off the shoulder tops. While I realize that this is not very original on my part, I still wanted to show you all my take on arguably one of the biggest trends that does not seem to be going anywhere any time soon...
I was lucky to be able to spend Mother's Day with my mom and the rest of my family down in Washington D.C.. I know what you're all thinking...Mother's Day was forever ago! Well, I have been extremely busy as of late, dealing with selling my house and moving into a new apartment. Now that all of that is done, I am finally getting around to posting a ton of content for you all that has been taking up basically all of my storage. The look you will see below is from when we went to dinner in Bethesda, MD.
The look that this post is all about highlights two of my favorite trends, off the shoulder tops and neck scarves! Off the shoulder tops are an easy look that just about anyone can pull off. I think that so many women can try this trend because it highlights your collarbone and shoulders, which are very flattering features for the majority, if not all women. I have noticed that many of the off the shoulder tops on the market tend to be more flowy, and therefore more forgiving (who doesn't love the sound of that??).
Now to discuss neck scarves. I love love love this trend! I don't think I can really express how much I love it, and how happy I am that people are rocking this look. Adding a scarf is such an easy way to elevate what could be an otherwise ordinary outfit. By choosing a neck scarf vs. a different type of scarf, I think it adds a very classy, chic update to whatever outfit you're wearing. With that being said, not everyone can appreciate this trend. When I mention "everyone", I am namely thinking of the male variety. I have 100% worn a few of my neck scarves around my office, and have received many compliments. However, there are always those few guys who will just never understand, and who will question your outfit choices. I guess the main point I am trying to make is to not let other people's opinions effect your personal style. Not everyone is going to love every trend in fashion, but if you love it, then that is all that matters!
Keep scrolling to see the rest of my look below! Unfortunately, not everything I am wearing is still available to buy, but I have included links to similar items for all of you, should you be so compelled to give off the shoulder tops or neck scarves a try!