Borrowing from the Boys

Anyone else obsessed with menswear for women?? I always love, and admire, when people can pull of this look! So, when I received a tie courtesy of Dwimmer, I was up for the challenge of coming up with my own look!
Seeing as how this would be a bit off a departure from my normal style, I knew that I wanted to try and work with pieces that I already had in my closet, instead of going out and buying something only to wear with the tie. If I were to have done the latter, it would have gone against pretty much everything I tell you all here. As most of you know, I am a huge proponent of building a solid wardrobe that you are able to make work for you, and carry through more than just a season or two!
The pieces that I used as a base for this look are things that everyone should have in the closet. You may notice, if you head to the shop section of this post, that some of them are on the more expensive side. While I love a good sale, or discounted price on something, I also don't think that you will regret spending more money on something that you will definitely get a lot of wear out of!
Keep scrolling to see my take on a menswear inspired look! If you like anything that you see, I've linked everything I am wearing in the 'Shop This Look' section at the bottom of this post! While you're there, leave a comment and let me know if you want to see more posts like this one, where I try out a look that is outside my norm.
Shop This Look
Click on the images below to shop each piece directly :)