A Day of W.E.L.L.ness

For those of you who do not know there is an amazing event going on in Boston this weekend. I am so excited to be able to be a part of Boston's Day of W.E.L.L.ness this upcoming Friday & Saturday! If you are wondering what this is all about, don't worry, as I needed to learn more about this event as well. So, I figured I would make it easy on all of you and fill you in on everything you need to know. Keep reading to find out more about this amazing event, as well as how you can participate!
First off, what does W.E.L.L. stand for? Wellness, Empowerment, Learning, & Luxury. This event is all about living a healthy lifestyle and is the ultimate place for self improvement! If you have ever wondered about things such as green beauty, living an organic lifestyle, fitness trends, or clean eating, then this summit is the place to learn from an informative and supportive community. I personally do not know much about these things. I try my hardest to lead a healthy lifestyle, but have felt there are further steps I can take to be better. That is why I am so excited about this summit! I am truly hoping that this will be my first step in living a better, healthier lifestyle!
Now, I know that this is not the stuff that I normally talk about with you all. I normally focus on fashion and style, you know...your outer appearance. I do this in the hopes that some of my advice will help you all in some way because fashion is something I am truly passionate about. However, I am also passionate about being happy and feeling good in my own skin. There has to be something to be said that if you feel good, you will look good too! That is why I decided to attend the Day of W.E.L.Lness, and why I am so excited to share this with all of you!
If you are interested in attending (which I seriously hope you are!) then you can purchase your tickets HERE! Use the code SIXFEETINHEELS to get $20 off of your ticket price!
Some things to look forward to if you come this weekend:
- Thirst Juice Co. DIY Breakfast Overnight Oats Bar With Superfood Toppings
- Curated Wellness Gift Bag
- Healthy Snacks, Organic Tea & Almond Milks to be enjoyed all day.
- Custom Tea Bar - Visit the Tea Bar to create your own organic tea blend to take home and enjoy.
- Community - There’s something powerful being in one room with a group of others who share the same goal.
Also, check out some pictures below from last years event :) Hope to see some of you there!!