Tech Style

To tell you that I am excited to share this look with you would be an understatement of epic proportions! I recently teamed up with Ministry of Supply to share their amazing clothes with all of you, and I am so happy to finally be able to get this post up.
First of all, I wanted to share some of Ministry of Supply's story. They are a company that was started by three MIT grads. They wanted to change the way people get dressed for work by combatting some of the issues that we all deal with - clothing maintenance (i.e. dry cleaning bills), comfort, and temperature control. So, they got to work on studying clothing design and the materials that can be used to build what we wear! They use some of the coolest and most cutting edge technology when it comes to literally building their clothes. One of my favorite parts is that they use 3D printing to manufacture the clothes that they sell. Oh, and they also use space suits to develop their materials. I cool is that?! To learn more about how they got started and what their mission is, check out their website by clicking below! They go into a lot of detail about how the company was started, and how far they have come since, such as the launching of their women's line of clothing!
Now, for my favorite part...sharing how I styled my Ministry of Supply clothes! You all know that I work in financial services, so my job often requires that I dress a certain way when I am in the office. Anyone else who deals with this knows how tough it can be to find comfortable business attire to spend the day in, especially for us ladies. I'm sorry, but skirt suits just aren't comfortable!
Arguably the best thing about the clothes from Ministry of Supply, is that I swear they become more comfortable the longer you wear them! For this look I am wearing their "Structure Your Day Skinny Leg Pant” and their "Luxe Touch Tank”. Both pieces work well together for me to be able to wear them into the office, but I am being 100% honest when I tell you that I felt like I was wearing leggings and a tank. Business professional looking clothes with the comfort level of things I wouldn't normally leave my apartment in....please sign me up and replace half of my work wardrobe!!
Ok, get how comfortable their clothes are now. Something else I love about these pieces is that they are basic and versatile enough that you can incorporate them into your wardrobe in different ways. This is a key component that I look for when I want to add pieces of clothing to my wardrobe. I will say that their pieces may not be considered as particularly affordable by everyone, but based off of everything I have shared so far they are definitely worth the investment. To further prove this point, I will be sharing two other looks that I styled using the two pieces below!
So, in conclusion, Ministry of Supply is awesome! They have created a great product that has this fashion girl's stamp of approval, if you couldn't already tell. They are innovative and trying to change the fashion game by incorporating technology, which is something that should be celebrated. And, lastly, they are a company that was started by three MIT grads, so I've got to give them some hometown, Boston love!
Check out how I styled my pieces for work below and shop everything I am wearing at the bottom of this post. If you are local to Boston, be sure to check out the Ministry of Supply store on Newbury Street! Or, if you prefer to do your shopping online then check out their website: Ministry of Supply
Shop This Look
Click on the pictures below to shop each piece directly!